Growth & Development

Early life events, including nutrition, play a powerful role in programming a person’s development, metabolism and health for the future. This section covers all aspects of the importance of maternal nutrition in the first 1000 days including nutrition in pregnancy, epigenetics, metabolic programming, breastfeeding, growth & cognitive development and a lot more.

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Human growth patterns title

Human growth patterns – an evolutionary and cross-species perspective

Human growth patterns are distinct due to evolutionary adaptations like bipedalism and a large brain, resulting in…

Andrew Prentice
Regulation of Healthy Growth in Young Humans

The regulation of heathy growth in young humans

Linda Adair
Critical and sensitive periods in child development

Critical and sensitive periods in child development

Ahmad Suryawan
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Infant and Toddler Formulas Supplemented with 5 HMOs and Fed from Birth to 15 Months are Safe and Support Age-Appropriate Growth: A Randomized, Controlled Trial

Intersections of Nutrition: Retracing Yesterday, Redefining Tomorrow

NNIW97 - Intersections of Nutrition: Retracing Yesterday, Redefining Tomorrow

Infant feeding and later health: Exploring mechanisms to improve preventive approaches

Infant feeding and later health: Exploring mechanisms to improve preventive approaches

Berthold Koletzko
COVID-19 pandemic and nutrition status in children: A bidirectional negative relation

COVID-19 pandemic and nutrition status in children: A bidirectional negative relation

Sanja Kolaček
Breast milk, mother & infant triad as a biological complex

Breast milk, mother & infant triad as a biological complex

Aristea Binia
New Dietary Patterns Across The World And Its Consequences On Growth And Development

New Dietary Patterns Across The World And Its Consequences On Growth And Development

Wejdan Abdulkarim
Children’s Diets And Their Sustainability In A Changing World

Children’s Diets And Their Sustainability In A Changing World

Jose (Pepe) M. Saavedra
Nutrition And Early Life Immune Health

Nutrition And Early Life Immune Health

Caroline Childs