96th Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop - Strategies in neonatal care to promote optimized growth and development: Focus on low birth weight
According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 15 million babies are born too early every year. That is more than 1 in 10 babies and this number is rising.
Early and adequate nutritional support is critical to achieve appropriate rates of weight gain, which are almost twice that of a term infant. Despite intensive nutritional strategies for premature infants, growth failure remains a major problem.
The 96th Nestle Nutrition Institute workshop, which took place from 26th till 28th of May 2021, focussed on the latest scientific knowledge in the area of neonatal care in preterm and LBW infants, including human milk oligosaccharides and its potential impact on the health of the neonate.
Throughout the three-day workshop, leading international experts shared the scientific perspectives on how optimal early nutrition can impact a short and long-term health outcome in preterm infants.