NNIW96: Fetal & Postnatal Growth, SGA/IUGR, Catch-Up Growth

Growth & Development

For normal brain development, we need macronutrients – protein, energy and fat – and micronutrients and vitamins, particularly zinc, thiamine, iron and copper. Babies have a protein intake of around 5g/kg/day in utero, but this drops rapidly for preterms at birth to no more than 2g/kg/day, even with very careful attention to nutrition. Some studies suggest that late, rather than early, parenteral nutrition on neonates may be of benefit. The lack of research has led to the Provide trial in extremely preterm babies, exploring whether an extra 1g of intravenous protein per day for the first five days improves survival free from neurodisability at two years old. In this video, Frank Bloomfield from the University of Auckland talks about strategies in neonatal care to promote growth and development of the preterm infant.

Professor Frank Bloomfield

Frank Bloomfield

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