Nutrition Publications

Here you will find freely downloadable publications on the latest nutrition topics, such as early infant nutrition, nutritional avenues to allergies, sports nutrition, and nutrition in disease states such as dysphagia or critical illness. All 3000 papers are organized across categories to make it easier for you to find specific information. If you are missing a reference you can also use our search function.

Sponsorship Disclosure: Many of the publications, programs, conferences, educational resources and other content available on this website have been funded and/or prepared by the Nestle Nutrition Institute or its Nestle affiliates.

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NNI Workshop Series (publication series)

NNI Workshop Series

This Medline/PubMed indexed series contains the full proceedings of the Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop series in Pediatric, Clinical, Adult and Sports Nutrition.

Annales Nestlé (publication series)

Annales Nestlé

A series of pediatric health and nutrition journals comprising up-to-date reviews on hot topics. The Annales are published as a supplement to the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism and indexed in Medline/PubMed.

The Nest (publication series)

The Nest

Concise, science-based up-to-date practical information for health professionals in key areas of pediatric health and nutrition.

Latest Publications

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NNIW100 Publication

NNIW100 - Shaping The Future with Nutrition

With the theme “Shaping The Future with Nutrition,” NNIW100’s first session looked at current understanding of the fundamentals of maternal and child nutrition, and the different factors that shape an individual’s health and wellbeing such as maternal preconception nutrition, mode of birth, infant nutrition, breastfeeding and human milk research, complementary feeding practices, environmental factors and more. The second session also examined food dietary habits for optimal development, wherein speakers highlighted a strong evidence base for the nutritional approach that supports good health

The Nest 54

The Nest 54: Inadequate feeding practices in childhood and long term impact

Adequate feeding practices are important to promoting healthy growth and development in infants and children, particularly during the complementary feeding period when their nutritional needs increase. A child's nutritional status has both short- and long-term impacts on health, and the timely introduction of a balanced, nutrient-dense, and age-appropriate diet is essential for preventing malnutrition.

Navigating the Cow’s Milk Allergy Journey: From Diagnosis to Nutritional Optimization

Navigating the Cow’s Milk Allergy Journey: From Diagnosis to Nutritional Optimisation

This NNI symposia at ESPGHAN 2024 brings together experts to share new findings on Cow’s Milk Allergy (CMA) and how to make the process of diagnosis to management more effective to yield better results. Prof. Annamaria Staiano discusses the complexities of diagnosing FGID and CMA, and introduces CoMiSS and its experience in supporting the diagnosis of CMA. Dr. Ralf Heine addresses the next phase of CMA nutritional management once it has been diagnosed, that it is important to consider the infants microbiome as well as other aspects of adequate nutritional intake, health and development. Dr

NNI Workshop Series

NNIW99 - The Changing Landscape of Pediatric Nutrition: Latest Trends & Future Directions

The True Weight of the Obesity Epidemic: Factors and Implications Teaser Image

The True Weight of the Obesity Epidemic: Factors and Implications

N&G Yearbook 2024 Teaser Image

Nutrition and Growth Yearbook 2024

Annales 77.3 - Vitamin D: From Gestation to Adolescence in Health and Disease (publications)

Annales 80.2 - Prevention of allergies in the post-pandemic era

Co-Authored by 5 Experts
Annales 75.3 - Meeting the Iron Needs of Young Children (publications)

Annales 80.1 - Foods for the future and their potential impact on child nutrition

Co-Authored by 4 Experts
The Nest 52: The microbiome and synergies in the gut

The Nest 52: The microbiome and synergies in the gut

Clinical Nutrition Highlights (publications)

PUREED FOODS FOR PEOPLE WITH DYSPHAGIA: Functionality, Interventions and Outcomes

Default publication

NNI Satellite Symposium Enteral Nutrition Proceedings ESPGHAN 2023