Dr. Jens Walter

Jens Walter


Dr. Jens Walter holds a PhD in Microbiology from the University of Hohenheim, Germany and is a professor of Ecology, Food and the Microbiome at the University College Cork – National University of Ireland, School of Microbiology, Department of Medicine and APC Microbiome Ireland.

He was a former professor and Campus Alberta Innovation Program (CAIP) chair at the University of Alberta, and former associate professor at University of Nebraska.

Dr. Walter has more than 145 peer-reviewed published or accepted papers, mainly on the different facets of the microbiome. Topics covered include the effects of diet to the microbiota and immunity; determining levels and strains of microbiota in relation with fecal microbiota transplant, drug therapy, and clinical cases; and harnessing the microbiome to prevent global biodiversity loss among others.

5 Videos

Videos from this author

NNIW100 Interviews: Jens Walter

NNIW 100 Interviews: Jens Walter

Jens Walter
Jens Walter at NNIW 100

Microbiome's life starts during birth and needs to be nurtured, Jens Walter

Jens Walter
How Dietary Glycans Can Improve Microbiome Diversity 

How Dietary Glycans Can Improve Microbiome Diversity 

Co-Authored by 2 Experts
Evolution of the Microbiome Ecology and Impact of Industrialization 

Evolution of the Microbiome Ecology and Impact of Industrialization

Co-Authored by 2 Experts