NNIW96: Post-Discharge Nutrition: Breastfeeding, Complementary Foods, Eating Behavior And Feeding Problems

Growth & Development Low Birth Weight

Preterm infants have a high need for nutrients due to a limited reserve and organ immaturity, which contributes to the challenges of achieving dietary intakes. They are at high risk of feeding problems, with difficulties in latching, sucking and swallowing coordination, and have persistent issues such as chronic lung disease and short bowel syndrome. Several studies have shown the advantages of human milk fortification after discharge, such as better lung function at year six, better visual function and better anthropometric parameters. There is no best time to introduce complementary feeding to preterm infants and it should be based on individual development. Studies show that preterm infants and those formula-fed are introduced to solids earlier, but there is no difference in weight outcome in introducing solids at four months or at six months. In this video, Nadja Haiden of the Medical University of Vienna talks about post-discharge nutrition of preterm infants.

Professor Nadja Haiden

Nadja Haiden

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