NNIW95: Toddlers in Brazil: Challenges and opportunities

Growth & Development Malnutrition Obesity

Over the past decades, Brazil has faced important challenges regarding toddlers' nutrition. Changes in dietary intake and feeding habits resulted in a switched scenario from undernutrition to increased rates of overweight and obesity. Determinants related to that issue involves the disparity in income distribution, the structure of food production and access, and the role of programs and policies, mostly related to its historical context.  The feeding of Brazilian toddlers is characterized by low consumption of fruits, vegetables, and fiber; high and early intake of fried foods, salty snacks, and sugar. Skipping important meals, like breakfast, and poor snacking habits are also important practices related to excess weight.  Integrated actions towards children’s healthy eating habits, must involve families, schools, government and food industry. Exploring the variety of fruits and vegetables available in the country helps to provide a healthy food environment. Increasing the availability of nutrient-dense foods in home environment, and improves the quality of food directed to children. Improving children`s diet quality goes beyond promoting nutrition education. A favorable environment for putting intentions into practice is essential, and it involves a multi-sectoral and an integrated framework with individual modifications and political interventions. 

Professor Mauro Fisberg

Mauro Fisberg

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