The future of HMOs moving to synbiotics as a way to optimize health benefits

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Allergy Gut Microbiota Growth & Development

In Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs) research through recent years, we have the emerging field of synbiotics, as a means to maximize health positive outcomes from HMOs. In this NNI symposia at ESPGHAN 2024, three experts speak more about the future of HMOs, and how moving towards synbiotics can be a means to optimize health benefits. Prof. Lorella Gianni shares updates regarding many complementary functions of HMOs and its role in supporting gut and immune development in early life, which may be used to address and potentially prevent health conditions such as allergies and infections. Prof. Jean-Charles Picaud discusses the results of a clinical study with a synbiotic blend of six HMOs and strain specific probiotics showing positive influence on the infant gut microbiome composition and markers of gut maturity during the first few months of life. Dr. Mario Noti, sheds light on the long-term benefits for infant immune health through nutrition, making sure to “train” the immune system during early life, to shape its functionality and resilience, creating a multi-layered defense system that can maintain long-term health.

Annamaria Staiano

Annamaria Staiano

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Prof. Jean-Charles Picaud

Jean-Charles Picaud

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Mario Noti

Mario Noti

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