The Contribution of Nutritional and Ancillary Factors in Breast Milk to Infant Growth and Development in Low-income Countries

Gut Microbiota
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In developing countries like Gambia, the breast feeding rates are close 100%. The few mothers that do not breastfeed cannot do to an injury, for example. Our breastfeeding sets us apart from other species as we develop slower in comparison. For example, the time of breastfeeding and its components are different, shorter and lower respectively. 

Breastfeeding in developing countries is beneficial to both the mothers and children. It is the most effective way of contraception allowing for child spacing. For linear development, growth starts faltering when infections are most prevalent; the damage in the mucosa persists even with the breastfeeding. There is evidence that breastfed infants have a higher IQ, even though the methodology of IQ testing needs to be refined. Nonetheless, the galactose in the milk is important for cerebral development. In addition, breastfeeding is associated with larger thymic size. 

Dr. Andrew Prentice

Andrew Prentice

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