Welcome to the NNI Academies. This is a place for practicing healthcare providers to find content and information covering a vast array of subjects from Toddlerhood through to Microbiome, Sustainable Nutrition, HMO and a lot more. Each academy provides you with different types of materials from infographics, videos, articles, publications and more from your area of concern. Explore this area to find content relevant for your clinical practice.

Sustainability means “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
This really reflects the inextricable link between human health and planetary health. The Sustainability Academy is dedicated to provide basic concepts of different areas where support to sustainable actions can make a difference for humans and the planet.

Gut microbiome, the ecosystem of microorganisms living in gastrointestinal tracts, is increasingly recognized as a key to many aspects of human health.
The Microbiome Academy is dedicated to providing scientific information and resources on gut microbiome development, how this process is shaped by nutrition, and the implications for health.

The first 1000 days are fully recognized as setting the foundations of a child's lifelong health.
However, are you aware that the ultimate realization of an individual's full potential requires a successful bridging from early childhood to adulthood which lies between 5 to 15 years of age: THE TRANSFORMATIVE 10 years.The School Age Nutrition Academy is dedicated to providing the science behind this successful bridging period.

Allergic disorders have become the most common chronic disorders, affecting both children and adults.
Allergic diseases can in part be prevented or minimized with early nutritional strategies playing important role in reducing the burden of allergic diseases.The Allergy Academy is dedicated to providing practical content to support health care professionals on the challenging topic of detection, prevention and management of allergic diseases.

The nutritional aspects of human milk for babies are a crucial topic for professionals in the field of nutrition.
Breastmilk is widely recognized as the ideal source of nutrition for infants, providing essential nutrients for healthy growth and development. It plays a key role in building a strong immune system, protecting against infections, and reducing the likelihood of obesity later in life.