Two sides of the same coin: strategies to address over- and undernutrition, Andrew Prentice

Growth & Development Malnutrition Obesity
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Global progress on most forms of undernutrition has been impressive in the recent decades, despite the fact that a significant number of children remain stunted and underweight, with mothers and young children suffering from a range of micronutrient deficiencies, also known as "hidden hunger". Nutrient density is a key determinant of nutritional health. Many traditional diets in low-income settings have very low nutrient density (energy, protein, and micronutrients) and hence have been associated with poor growth. Carefully balanced alternatives have been manufactured and have driven the improvements in growth in most advanced nations, but remain unaffordable for most of the world. On the other hand, in some communities there is also the excess of intake of food with high energy levels of refined energy (sugars, fats, and sodium) but lack fibre and quality micronutrients which can lead to excessive weight gain. The notable improvement is driven by national governments inspired by the Millennium Development Goals (MGDs) and subsequent Sustainable Development Goals (CGDs), with guidance and support from various non-governmental alliances.

Dr. Andrew Prentice

Andrew Prentice

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