The Role of Maternal Nutrition in Health and Development in Low and Middle Income Countries

Growth & Development Low Birth Weight Malnutrition
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The global burden of maternal undernutrition (low body mass index and micronutrient deficiencies) is substantial and associated with adverse outcomes for both maternal and newborn infants. Globally around 11% of the women of the reproductive age have low BMI and 19% of the pregnant women have iron deficiency anemia. We undertook a comprehensive review of potential interventions to address undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies in women.We aimed to review the evidence of the potential nutritional interventions and estimate their effect on nutrition related outcomes of women and young infants. These proven interventions, if scaled up have the potential to reduce the global burden of undernutrition substantially. This presentation will also cover some of the areas of emerging focus around adolescent health and preconception care.