Platforms for Delivery of Adolescent Friendly Health Care

Growth & Development Nutrition & Disease Management Nutrition Health & Wellness Obesity
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Adolescence is increasingly recognized as an important period within the life course. It is known that health related behaviors are often adopted in adolescence, and these can have a profound impact on later life health. As adolescent health issues have evolved over the years, the health care models should also change to meet their needs. Sexual and reproductive health, infectious diseases, mental health as well as cardiometabolic health (particularly relating to obesity) are major health concerns in adolescents today. However, health services, particularly in low and middle income countries have continued to assume that adolescence is a healthy period of life. In this presentation, Prof Sawyer presents the barriers and facilitators for delivering adolescent friendly health care. She addresses the barriers of acceptability, accessibility and appropriateness, while advocating the importance of marketing and the use of digital and social media to engage adolescents.