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Sid Venkatesh
- Assistant professor in the Institute for Systems Biology
- Earned his PhD in Virology at the Rockefeller University (NY, USA, 2014) and PhD in Chemical Engineering at the Auburn University (AL, USA, 2008)
- Member of the Rowan Biomedical Engineering Medical and Industrial Advisory Board, Rowan University, NJ, USA
- Has co-authored numerous published papers, including the paper selected as a finalist for “Breakthrough of the Year” by Science in 2019
- Daniel Wolf Prize, Annual Retroviruses Meeting at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
- 2007 Harry Merriwether Award, Auburn University
- The long-term goals of his laboratory are to define general principles of molecular recognition in the gut and to elucidate mechanisms by which microbial metabolites impact human physiology and health
- These efforts are expected to enhance our understanding of the pathophysiology underlying many disorders, and to improve human health and quality of life