E-Learning Programs

Gut Microbiota Growth & Development Malnutrition Obesity

The Nestlé Nutrition Institute offers continuing education for physicians, dietitians/nutritionists and nurses via e-learning courses.

To remain current with the latest evidence-based information, learn more about our many self-study CE programs.

Sponsorship Disclosure: Many of the publications, programs, conferences, educational resources and other content available on this website have been funded and/or prepared by the Nestlé Nutrition Institute or its Nestlé affiliates.

Effect of Nutrition on Toddlers’ Overall Health and Growth


E-Learnings (NO CE, NO CME)

Original program date: Apr 30, 2020

Expiration date: May 01, 2023

Toddlerhood represents striking changes in children’s development. It is a period of a time of rapid cognitive, social-emotional, and physical development. Changing nutritional needs accompany these developmental milestones and the toddler’s diet has an impact in establishing food preferences and healthy eating behaviors. Learn about nutritional landscape & dietary patters in toddlers as well as effect of nutrition on toddler’s growth and development.

Continuing education

Program description:

Toddlerhood represents striking changes in children’s growth and development. Between birth and age of 3, toddlers‘ body weight increases by 3- 4 times height almost doubles. Balanced diet during toddlerhood is essential not only for healthy growth and development during this key stage of life, but also for the development of the gastrointestinal tract and the gut microbiota. In turn, a healthy gut microbiota has multiple beneficial effects on healthy growth, development and well-being of toddlers.

This tutorial brings information about effects of nutrition on toddlers’ health and its relation to GI gastrointestinal development, including that of intestinal microbiota and its impact on growth and development.

Program Objectives:

  • Discuss the effects of nutrition on toddlers’ health
  • Understand toddlers’ physiological growth and its association with health
  • Recognize how toddlers’ nutrition is related to the gastrointestinal development, including that of intestinal microbiota and its impact on growth and development

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