The Long Search for Evidence Based Nutritional Interventions

Allergy Growth & Development

A 2017 meta-analysis concluded that the use of pHF reduces the risk of eczema and all allergic diseases at some, albeit not all, time points among children at high risk for allergy. The analysis included 13 publications reporting on 8 randomised controlled trials that specifically investigated a partially hydrolysed 100% whey formula from a single manufacturer. The study demonstrated that pHF (whey) confers allergy-preventive effects during the first year of life, which persisted until 6 years of age. A 15‐year follow‐up study also showed that certain hydrolysate formulas was associated with less eczema from birth until the age of 15 years.

“…well-designed studies provide robust evidence supporting the use of pHF in reducing the risk of allergic diseases in high-risk children, particularly eczema.”

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Professor Hania Szajewska

Hania Szajewska

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