Better early: Critical windows in brain and cognitive development, Bernadette Benitez

Growth & Development
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Current scientific and clinical evidence suggest that the ecosystem of nature and nurture variables impact early brain development.  With dynamic neurodevelopmental processes like neuronal formation, myelination and synaptic connections unfold occurring, adequate nutrition, especially breastfeeding, in the first 1000 days as a main driver of these processes cannot be overemphasized. Even in the advent of newer modalities of research utilizing magnetic resonance imaging, evidences continue to point to the significant influence of nutrition on early brain development, particularly myelination which is predictive of cognition. These may subsequently affect a child's learning ability, overall physical and mental health, capability to adapt to the environment, and capacity to become a productive adult who is self-sufficient and able to support his family and community. The recent pandemic has also shown its impact on children's nutrition, behavior, and development. Studies showed findings associated with less social and language interaction between children and parents or caregivers.