Social Media: The Weapon in the Armory

159 min read /

Social media is the way we communicate today around the world to convey emotions, messages, and social messages that need to be spread far and wide in the quickest possible form to reach the masses. A “blink “or a “wink” can be conveyed as soon as it happens, and Medics are using this as the best method of networking to spread the good word. Some of the frequently discussed topics on YouTube, such as pediatric nutrition, function as the epicenter to spread cheer, awareness, importance, and the need to focus on the “first 1,000 days (about 2 and a half years) of life” and after in ensuring the best for the child now and later in life. The top points of discussion in this chapter will be surrounding “No salt, No sugar, No cow’s milk, No biscuits before 1 year,” familial or cultural culinary habits, feeding practice during diarrhea, introduction of animal protein in weaning diet of infants, vitamin D deficiency, the coming of age for millets, avoidance of unpasteurized cow’s milk, the danger of “hidden hunger”, and social media in medical education.